Goshin-waza of Judo (Self Defense)

Goshin-waza is always practiced in the form of Kata, and never in Randori. The Goshin-waza is included in Kime no Kata, Kodokan Goshin-jutsu, Kime Shiki and Joshi Goshinho. It should be noted that Kime Shiki and Joshi Goshinho are not very common in todays Judo, but I have choosen to include them anyway, because of the valuable techniques that are tought in them and that in some way complements the techniques from the other Kata.

In this text I have not listed the techniques as they are ordered in the Kata, but in order of attacks. The purpose of that is to show that Judo is a rather complete art as a mean of self-defence.

I have divided them into escapes from holdings, defences against strikes, kicks, knife, stick and pistol attacks.

A Kata not included here is Ju no Kata. This Kata includes self-defence techniques executed in slow movements. It gives the user the fundamental mechanics for self defense applications and and should not be neglected.


Idori (techniques from kneeling posture)

Against unarmed attack when hold:


Technique Description Kata
Ryote-dori Two-hand hold Kime Shiki
Ryote-dori Two-hand hold Kime no Kata
Furi-hanashi Shaking loose Kime Shiki
Gyakute-dori Reverse two-hand hold Kime Shiki
Ushiro-dori Seizure from behind Kime no Kata

Against unarmed attack at a distance:


Technique Description Kata
Tsukkake Stomach punch Kime Shiki
Tsukkake Stomach punch Kime no Kata
Suri-age Forehead thrust Kime no Kata
Yoko-uchi Side blow at left temple Kime no Kata

Against armed attack with dagger:


Tsukkomi Dagger thrust at stomach Kime no Kata
Kiri-komi Downward cut with dagger Kime no Kata
Kiri-gake Cut with dagger from above Kime Shiki
Yoko-tsuki Dagger thrust to side Kime no Kata

Tachiai (techniques from a standing posture)

Against unarmed attack when hold:

Technique Description Kata
Katate-tekubi-dori Wrist seizure with right hand Joshi Goshinho
Ryote-dori Two-hand hold of one wrist Joshi Goshinho
Ryote-dori Two-hand hold Kime no Kata
Ryote-dori Two-hand hold Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Shishi-gyaku-dori Upright seizure of four fingers Joshi Goshinho
Sode-dori Sleeve grab Kime no Kata
Kataude-dori Single hand hold from side Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Ude-kakae-dori Hold of arm from the side Joshi Goshinho
Ude-gyaku-dori Hold of arm contrariwise Joshi Goshinho
Hidari eri-dori Left lapel hold Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Migi eri-dori Right lapel hold Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Ushiro eri-dori Collar hold from behind Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Ushiro eri-dori Collar hold from behind Joshi Goshinho
Ushiro-jime Choke from behind Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Ushiro-dori Seizure from behind Kime Shiki
Ushiro-dori Hold from behind Kime no Kata
Ushiro-dori Hold from behind Joshi Goshinho
Ushiro-dori Hold from behind Joshi Goshinho
Kakae-dori Seize and hold from behind Kodokan Goshi-jutsu

Against unarmed attack at a distance:


Tsukkake Punch to face Kime no Kata
Gammen tsuki Thrust-punch to face Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Tsuki-age Uppercut Kime Shiki
Tsuki-age Uppercut Kime no Kata
Ago tsuki Uppercut Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Suri-age Forehead thrust Kime no Kata
Yoko-tsuki Side blow at left temple Kime Shiki
Naname uchi Side blow at left temple Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Yoko-uchi Side blow Kime no Kata
Keage Groin kick Kime no Kata
Mae-geri Front kick Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Yoko-geri Side kick Kodokan Goshi-jutsu

Against armed attack with dagger:


Tsukkake Thrust with dagger Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Tsukkomi Dagger thrust at stomach Kime no Kata
Choku-zuki Straight thrust with dagger Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Kiri komi Downward cut with dagger Kime no Kata
Naname-zuki Carotid cut with dagger Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Naname-tsuki Caratoid cut with dagger Kime Shiki

Against armed attack with stick:


Furiage Upswing with stick Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Furioroshi Downswing with stick Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Morote-zuki Two-hand thrust against stick Kodokan Goshi-jutsu

Against armed attack with sword:


Nuki gake Sword unsheating Kime no Kata
Furi-oroshi Downward cut with sword Kime Shiki
Kiri oroshi Downward cut with sword Kime no Kata

Against armed attack with pistol:


Shomen-zuke Pistol held at the abdomen Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Koshi-gamae Pistol held at the side Kodokan Goshi-jutsu
Haimen-zuke Pistol held against the back Kodokan Goshi-jutsu